Tuesday 30 June 2009

What Are Zen Buddhism or Buddhist Religion?

What is the Zen Buddhist Religion and is it any use today, how does Meditation apply and are there Health benefits?.

Not necessarily a belief but more a addition to aid your day to day living, but with the goal of also improving ones soul journey through eternity, is one way of looking at it.

If we look at Buddhisms central core beliefs it is essentially a very simple religion, yet complex at the same time, but dont let the word complex fool you as complex is as complex does.

You will find with all Religions that they are built around Riddles.

With Riddles it means that the religion is more indepth, this means there is further truths to be found, then the obvious ones that are expressed to the observer.

It means for the seeking mind there is more to find in a Religion basically same with any Religion on earth.

With that being said lets take a look at some of the beliefs of Zen Buddhism.

Buddha saying:

"I possess the true Dharma eye, the marvelous mind of Nirvana, the true form of the formless, the subtle dharma gate that does not rest on words or letters but is a special transmission outside of the scriptures. This I entrust to Mahākāśyapa".

That quote is very good and shows some of the Essence of Buddism, to see the Inner Eye, and be inside the Mind of Nirvana.

This is one of the things Buddhist Monks meditate on to be able to see or feel Nirvana with the Inner Eye, like the 3rd Eye.

Try to find moments of Realisation, this is one of the things alot of Scriptures and Religions hint at, to be at Peace and find or reach a zone of Peace and Truth within the Mind Body and Soul.

This is a Goal of Buddhism and other Religions.

So Buddhism and other Religions are Relevant today as they ever where, it is just trying to find the relevancy to your own beliefs and life, doing your own research and trying to find your own Accurate Truths.

Helpfull to your Spiritual Health and Life.

Monday 29 June 2009

Buddhist Wisdom Lessons

Remember Buddha speaks in riddles!.

Buddha says:

"One is the way to gain, the other is the way to Nirvana, knowing this fact, students of the Buddha should not take pleasure in being honored, but, should practice detachment".

A way of thinking and acting in life, talking about a thought process, for example, some peoples thought process is toward greed.

So what the Buddha is saying there is understand your greed and where it would leed you.

Do not let yourself be taken over and ruled by greed etc.

This doesnt mean dont buy things or have money or possessions, it means understand what these things are, do not let them control you, or own you, you control your possessions not the other way around.

You should be detached from worldly greed, and let your mind be calm, to your wealth in life, this way it doesnt become a burden on your soul or mind.

They are just things you need to live but are not life itself, as physical life and its many items are not permanent.

Sunday 28 June 2009

the buddha says

think like buddha, then you will know happiness, well that might not be so straight forward, but we can try a little understanding, at the least.

buddha says:

"Joy comes not through possession or ownership, but through a wise and loving heart."

i dont think this saying get rid of everything like you see some budhists do, like they get rid of literally all there posessions, and walk round in only a robe all day.

no, but what it is saying is to understand your life and what possessions are just that items that you possess.

so keep your possessions, but know what they are, and more importantly understand that they do not make you, but it is more your heart and wisdom that makes you the person you are.

Saturday 27 June 2009

Buddha says

"Buddha says:
Believe nothing just because a so-called wise person said it. Believe nothing just because a belief is generally held. Believe nothing just because it is said in ancient books. Believe nothing just because it is said to be of divine origin. Believe nothing just because someone else believes it. Believe only what you yourself test and judge to be true".

find your own truths, but be careful to make sure that they are actually your own truths, and not implanted "truths".

yes find your own truths, but like the quote says keep testing what you believe and judge to be true, but hold out reservations as well just in case you got something wrong, in your belief.

Friday 26 June 2009

buddhist quotes

"Brian Perkins said:
This sounds an extraordinary statement to make, but in fact all truth is very ordinary. It is peoples' fantasies of what is true that is so extraordinary. That that we were born and that we face eternal extinction after death is an extraordinary fantasy".

so that we make alot out of everything, and what we believe is true can be more like illusion or fantasy.

this is what i am getting from the buddhist quote.

that we are creating alot of our beliefs, a bit like modern society is created by design, where as basic truths are much more mundane, or not so much created by people.

so not to let the world be too overbearing.

how zen buddhism works

below is a quote to help ease the tensions of today.

"Yaunwu says:

If you put your conditioned intellect to rest for a long time, suddenly it will be like the bottom fallin out of a bucket -- then you will naturally be happy and at peace".

seems to be alot fo stress around today, so i think this quote is a good one to deal with stress, its like saying, look anyway, all your problems are in your intellect, and at the end of the day they will fall away like the bottom falling out of a bucket.

if you let go of your problems in your mind then they fall away, and be at peace.

just sit quietly for a while and let your problems, or you will actually feel your problems dissolve, when you sit quietly and let your thoughts go.

Thursday 25 June 2009

zen proverb

"Sitting quietly, doing nothing, spring comes, and the grass grows by itself".

one of the things i take this proverb to be saying is that to not worry, for example, not worry about money problems, deal with them like nature deals with the seasons, in winter it is cold, yet, the sun and warmth is just around the corner.

dont get down and stay in winter, when you can just as quickly welcome summer, and allow it to dissolve your problems, metaphorically speaking.

Wednesday 24 June 2009

zen quote for end of today

here is a nice zen quote to end the day on, and then start a new day on, thinking about the quote.

Zen Quote:
"Summer at its height-- and snow on the rocks! The death of winter-and the withered tree blossoms!."

nice quote to start the next day on, check back for more zen quotes.

zen quote for summer and peace

here is a nice zen quote to help you relax.

"Sheng-yen" says:
"Be soft in your practice. Think of the method as a fine silvery stream, not a raging waterfall. Follow the stream, have faith in its course. It will go its own way, meandering here, trickling there. It will find the grooves, the cracks, the crevices. Just follow it. Never let it out of your sight. It will take you...."

so dont let things get you down, let the problems be counted and flow away, or let the tention flow away, this way you can deal with things better, have a clearer head.

Tuesday 23 June 2009

zen quote of the day

here we go, come up with the idea of putting up a or some zen quotes a day, or most days, have to be at the computer to do it of course.

so it is just good quotes to think about and apply to your day, to inspire you and help you go about your day, and apply to your money matters, but also daily matter as most are similar as most people make there money through the day.

it seems most peoples lifes are taken up with either making money or spending money and a bit of both, whish is the way it is.

but some nice quotes to enlighten the day can help either way.

quote for today is this one:

"Langya says:- Just think of the trees: they let the birds perch and fly, with no intention to call them when they come and no longing for their return when they fly away. If people's hearts can be like the trees, they will not be off the Way".

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