Monday 27 April 2009

Trying to take a zen approach to money

I have read about this in the past about trying to take a zen type buddhist approach to money.

I think it is kindof to be serine, and relaxed about financial matters, look at what you can do, to improve your money and life etc.

Everything nowadays seems to be centered around money, which isnt necessarily a good thing, so what can you do to eleviate some of htis problem?.

And i think some kind of zen approach could be one way of going about it.

As it is often reported how people are having bad financial times and how there is a credit crunch at the moment.

You hear of big financial institutions going bust and businesses having to close down due to credit problems.

And this can get you down, so i think the zen approach is to not let these external to yourself elements, effect you, but enstead concentrate on your own problems and deal with your own problems.

Its like when you watch the news it is depressing, but how does it effect you, mostly not directly, so with this zen approach deal on your own problems, or concentrate on your own financies.

I need to do more research on this approach, so i will write up in this blog what i find in easy to understand bits.

Might not be a pro blog, but some of those are difficult to read anyway, they try to be too technical and look too good, and end up being less as a result.

I try to keep my blogs simple so that they are easy to follow and easy to read!.

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