Wednesday 29 April 2009

Mixing zen with money and coming up with philosophy?

So i have been doing some reading up on this art or religion called zen, and here is some ideas on some of zen's basics foundations.

The idea of zen is to be int he here and now, and the zen religion basicially emphasizes the here and now, so money wise you have to not worry too much about what you lost or havnt got, but more so on what you can do now.

So how can you straight en your financies out for today, and get back on track, as you cant change the past, or the future, just prepare for it now, or as they seem to say "in the now".

So what ive done in the now is cut my spending, right down, this seems to be a effective technique, as it will leave you with more money for the so called none existent future, or the future now.

Or the continues now, so you have to be bale to flow with the now it would seem, financially, as well as spiritually, or life basically.

So try to work on what you can now, dont worry too much on past actions or what is in future except to be prepared for any so called future happenings in your diary etc.

So my future will be probably away next week.

So my blogs might not get updated for about a week, this doesnt mean i have left them.

It just means i will probably be away from my computerfor a good few days.

So probably away next week.

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