Monday 20 July 2009

very good spiritual buddhist youtube video 1 of 5. How to Meditate Yoga Meditation

very good spiritual buddhist youtube video 1 of 5. How to Meditate Yoga Meditation
very good spiritual buddhist youtube video 1 of 5. How to Meditate Yoga Meditation.

watch this video series to learn some meditation ideas, this starts how with the basics of meditation, the basics usually being the best or core to the importance as well, so the basics are very important.

ill post the youtube video description quite a big description but it has alot of usefull words in it:

April 20, 2008
New Age meditations are often influenced by Eastern philosophy and mysticism such as Yoga, Hinduism and Buddhism, yet may contain some degree of Western influence. In the west meditation found its mainstream roots through the hippie- counterculture social revolution of the 1960s and 1970s when many of the youth of the day rebelled against traditional belief systems. [26]

[edit] Sikhism Main article: Nām Japō

In Sikhism, the practices of simran and Nām Japō encourage quiet meditation. This is focusing one's attention on the attributes of God. Sikhs believe that there are 10 'gates' to the body; 'gates' is another word for 'chakras' or energy centres. The top most energy level is the called the tenth gate or dasam dwar. It is said[attribution needed] that when one reaches this stage through continuous practice meditation becomes a habit that continues whilst walking, talking, eating, awake and even sleeping. There is a distinct taste or flavour when a meditator reaches this lofty stage of meditation, as one experiences absolute peace and tranquility inside and outside the body.

Followers of the Sikh religion also believe that love comes through meditation on the lord's name since meditation only conjures up positive emotions in oneself which are portrayed through our actions. The first Guru of the Sikhs, Guru Nanak Dev Ji preached the equality of all humankind and stressed the importance of living a householder's life instead of wandering around jungles meditating, the latter of which being a popular practice at the time. The Guru preached that we can obtain liberation from life and death by living a totally normal family life and by spreading love amongst every human being regardless of religion.

Taoism includes a number of meditative and contemplative traditions. Originally said to have their principles described in the I Ching, Tao Te Ching, Chuang Tzu and Tao Tsang among other texts; the multitude of schools relating to Qigong, Neigong, Daoyin and Zhan zhuang are a large, diverse array of breath training practises in aid of meditation with much influence from later Chinese Buddhism and with much influence on traditional Chinese medicine and the Chinese as well as some Japanese martial arts. The Chinese martial art T'ai Chi Ch'uan is named after the well-known focus for Taoist and Neo-Confucian meditation, the T'ai Chi T'u, and is often referred to as "meditation in motion".

Often Taoist Internal martial arts, especially Tai Chi Chuan are thought of as moving meditation. A common phrase being, "movement in stillness" referring to energetic movement in passive Qigong and seated Taoist meditation; with the converse being "stillness in movement", a state of mental calm and meditation in the tai chi form.
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: Yoga meditation Buddhism spiritual mind health how to meditate new age".

so this video will give you some understanding into the art of meditation but also add learn your own ways as well.

Thursday 16 July 2009

zen buddhist meditation

zen buddhist meditation zen meditation technique of lord buddha, key important parts of this meditation is breathing and posture.

this youtube video explains zen buddhist meditation and the techniques you need all things to practice on, practice this and practice that, working at different ideas, this is a good zen buddhist meditation to practice.

youtube video description says:

January 05, 2008

The incredible meditation of Lord Buddha, Zazen or Zen Meditation Technique is explored in this video. A clear demonstration of Cosmic Mudra (hand position), as well as details on the posture and practice are taught
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: meditation buddhist zen zazen guided technique method daily practice religion spirituality".

its all about researching your meditation also bringing some of your own ideas to your meditation, but to do research on tried and tested meditation, good video.

Monday 13 July 2009

Buddha Quote ascension chakras now

"The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, nor to worry about the future, but to live the present moment wisely and earnestly.
Buddha Quote".

not to get stuck on the past or future as the only time you can actively change is the present now.

the now is your most important time as it is the only place you will ever be in, so you need to be able to live in the now, and conscious of the eternal now, all other things are distractions, but obviously not saying you don't have to be organised for the upcoming now or future now, but it is all the same thing, in mysticism.

financially i would say the same thing, but money wise we have been put into a system built around the never never with a system of credit, so you still have to plan ahead in modern living even if financial matter's go against buddhist or spiritual concepts or principals, just have to try and be ahead with financies, as the credit crunch showed how people got over reached with there money borrowing.

Saturday 11 July 2009

buddha family love garden quote

"A family is a place where minds come in contact with one another. If these minds love one another the home will be as beautiful as a flower garden. But if these minds get out of harmony with one another it is like a storm that plays havoc with the garden.

really straight forward buddha quote here, and sometimes you have to be the one to mend the broken bridges after you have family arguments or arguments with friends, if you want to live in harmony you have to learn how to love your family.

as it says a family is a place where minds come into contact with each other, this is why there can be disagreements so like the buddhist saying bring love into your family setting and it will be like a beautiful flower garden, yes i know sometimes easier said then done, but at least the positive thought and idea is the start like the little seed that grows into a tree.

Wednesday 8 July 2009

Buddha Buddhist Quotes


Three things cannot be long hidden, the sun, the moon, and the truth".

nice quick buddha quote there, things can not be long hidden, the truth always shines through (sun) reflects back at you (the moon).

also it goes round in the circle, the truth travels around in a circle like the sun and the moon.

thats one take on that buddhist quote there are probably more, just trying to bring some light to some of these buddhist buddhism riddles as said by buddha's.

Buddha Statues In China

Take a look at these budha statues carved out of the rock in china, thats the thing with buddhism they put lots of statues around every where but they look really good and impressive though.

one way to make a religion last is to build lots and lots of statues, kind of stops people forgetting about the religion.

they look pretty cool kind of peaceful looking.

Saturday 4 July 2009

meditation on selflessness self-mastery continual awareness

The greatest achievement is selflessness.
The greatest worth is self-mastery.
The greatest quality is seeking to serve others.
The greatest precept is continual awareness.
The greatest medicine is the emptiness of everything.
The greatest action is not conforming with the worlds ways.
The greatest magic is transmuting the passions.
The greatest generosity is non-attachment.
The greatest goodness is a peaceful mind.
The greatest patience is humility.
The greatest effort is not concerned with results.
The greatest meditation is a mind that lets go.
The greatest wisdom is seeing through appearances.
By Atisha

some of the concepts you need to understand or think about etc to understand buddhist concepts better.

but also applies to other religions as well, as they all have greater depth, just not always instantly apparent, have to think on deeper, more focused levels.

Friday 3 July 2009

zen buddhist question where are you in life

if you say where you are in life, where are you in life?.

are you are where you put yourself in life, your limitations, that you define for yourself or your life.

are you in the box you put yourself in?.

zen riddles philosophical questions

we find things like zen buddhism is based on riddles which are like philosophical questions.

questions that make you think, the idea is to get the moment of realisation when thinking about these questions, like the little light bulb lighting up.

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