Sunday, 28 February 2010

Zen Buddhist buddhism, The Discovering Buddhism religion richard gere keanu reeves dalai lama buddhism monks

keanu reeves buddhist


dalai lama


richard gere buddhism


Zen Buddhist buddhism blog - The Discovering of Buddhism religion video, interesting video about buddhism, starts out with a introduction from buddhist richard gere, this video also has keanu reeves, so keanu reeves must be a buddhist as well, also in this video is the dalai lama, so comments and quotes from the famous buddhists in this short buddhism video.

gives some quotes and there buddhist beliefs.

The Discovering Buddhism

Saturday, 13 February 2010

zen buddhism blog - it is the chinese new year 2010 - year of the white tiger


zen buddhism blog - it is now the chinese new year, and this year it will be the year of the white tiger, chinese horoscope zodiac as animal symbols to symbolise each new year from the Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, Pig.

this chinese new year is the year of the tiger but also called the year of the white tiger 2010.

Tuesday, 9 February 2010

Zen Buddhist meditation music


just been listening to this Zen Buddhist meditation music - Buddhist Meditation Music Zen Garden, has a nice balance to it, not too mellow, but not noisy that you cannot concentrate or meditate.

you do not want your zen meditation music to be too mellow that you fall to sleep, but mellow with thought provoking sounds, or zen buddhism meditation helping sounds.

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