Saturday, 9 January 2010

Zen Buddhism a look around a American Zen Buddhist Monastery part 1


a look at a zen buddhist monastery in america, this is a interesting video about a zen buddhist monastery, but also goes into the beliefs of buddhism as well.

take a look around this zen buddhist monastery to get some ideas about what zen buddhism is about, its meanings and its practice.

this video shows the zen buddhists at this monastery and how they got to where they are now and there zen qualifications or knowledge about zen.

quite a good video it is interesting to see what monastery's are like on the inside, as usually a monastery is a closed off building.

the most important practice of zen is meditation as can be seen in this video, the day in the monastery is all based around meditation.

Friday, 1 January 2010

Zen Buddhist and the new year? new years resolution meditation

thinking the new year, now in 2010, could be a good time to kind of take a Zen Buddhist look at the year ahead and plan out what you can and can't achieve in the forthcoming year, like a new years resolution.

zen would be to focus on the now though mostly, but also think of how you can proceed in the now in the coming year or through the year as it is now 2010, though in zen buddhism there probably is no time as such.

like for example plan to keep up to meditation in 2010.

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